The Step-By-Step Process To Get Absolutely Beautiful Results.
We’re The Memphis Bathroom Remodeling Company With A Clear Process That Keeps Your Project On Track
Most bathroom remodeling contractors don’t like to say it, but it’s something homeowners need to know:
Remodeling your bathroom comes along with some inevitable stress.
For one, it usually takes weeks to remodel a bathroom – time you will be without that particular bathroom.
And of course, there’s almost always a few things that can crop up unexpectedly (a product order gets delayed, something unforeseen happens during part of the installation, etc.).
Since obstacles and surprises happen quite often, the key is to find a Memphis bathroom remodeler that has an organized, step-by-step process that handles problems efficiently and professionally.
That’s us – we have a clear process.
And we can tell you that many contractors don’t have a clear and reliable structure and can quickly lose control of a project. There’s a good chance you’ve heard a remodeling horror story or two from a friend or neighbor, and that’s all because of a lack of processes.
We also use professional quality design software to create a vision of your project – this will give you a chance to see your remodel in a more concrete way.
After all your product choices have been made and all the details settled, we can give you your final quote and set up a payment schedule for your bathroom remodel.
Payments are made on a weekly basis as the project progresses. By setting up the payment structure this way, you get additional peace of mind and we’re held accountable. We need to keep working each week – if we don’t show up, we’re not getting paid!
- Daily communication via email, text, or phone from your project manager
- A visit to the job site by the project manager at least once a day
- At least one face-to-face meeting per week with your project manager
- An online portal where you can sign in to see all of your remodeling key documents, work schedules, and other important information
There are also many kinds of communication going on “behind the scenes.” Making sure installers stick to the right time schedule and making timing adjustments as needed are areas of focus. We’ll be working hard on that to keep your remodel moving forward.
We have top project managers – you’d be hard pressed to find better ones in the Memphis area – visit our Bathroom Project Management page to learn more.
Now we’re almost there – it’s so close to done you can already see how beautiful your new bathroom is! But we want to get all the details right and make certain you’re happy and satisfied. We’ll create a final ‘punch list’ to make sure nothing is missed.
Then together we’ll do a final walkthrough to give you complete peace of mind that everything is done as promised.
Our Process Is Clear… And It Works
The above steps might sound fairly obvious, but we can tell you that we know many Memphis area bathroom remodeling contractors do very little planning and handle every project “on the fly.”
That ‘loosey-goosey’ approach is exactly what leads to cost overruns and poor communication – and lots of stress for the homeowner, too.
While we’ll never claim to be perfect, we do have a process that is proven to deliver results that homeowners love.
Would you like to talk to us and get a free consultation on your bathroom remodeling project? There’s no risk to you – request your free estimate now.